Open House
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Open House Dates 2024-2025
Open House Dates 2024-2025
8:45 AM to 10:00 AM
8:45 AM to 10:00 AM
Tuesday, January 28 <-- NEW TIME
Tuesday, January 28 <-- NEW TIME
In the event of a 2-hour delay, open house will begin at 10:45 AM. Otherwise, the regular time will be fine.
Tuesday, February 11
Tuesday, February 11
Tuesday, March 11
Tuesday, March 11
Tuesday, April 8
Tuesday, April 8
Tuesday, May 6
Tuesday, May 6
Clinton Grace Christian School follows Prince George's County Schools for weather-related closures.
If PG Schools are closed or delayed, Clinton Grace Christian School will not have Open House.
Open House begins at 8:45 AM
Open House begins at 8:45 AM
If we have bad weather the open house
will be cancelled until the next month .
Clinton Grace Christian School
6501 Surratts Road
Clinton, MD 20735
Begin your online application!
Questions? Email us at or call 301-868-1600 x331
Questions? Email us at or call 301-868-1600 x331
Grace Brethren Promotional Video
Grace Brethren Promotional Video