Home Schooling

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For more information please contact Sharon Loufik 

Home School Director, at 301-868-1600 ext. 329

The HOME SCHOOLING Oversight Program 

at Clinton Grace Christian School

The State of Maryland recognizes the Oversight Program at Clinton Grace Christian School as an authorized Home School Umbrella Program.  Our primary responsibility is to ensure that home school parents are providing “regular, thorough instruction…” to their children.  Twice yearly portfolio reviews are required.  Our other services depend in part on the needs of the parents as teachers.  We offer minimal oversight for the more experienced home school family, or a more intensive supervisory program if necessary.

We also offer optional support services.  For a fee, students may:

To apply for participation in the CGCS Home School Umbrella program, parents may download the home school application for the current school year (below) and send it with the application fee to the address below.

Clinton Grace Christian School

Attn: Sharon Loufik

6501 Surratts Rd.

Clinton MD, 20735

State Requirements

The State of Maryland requires homeschooler’s to file a Notification Form with the county in which they reside.  According to the PG website, “All parents . . . must complete and submit a Home Schooling Notification Form to the Prince George’s County Public Schools’ Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Academic Support, Home Schooling Office at ISSC, 9201 East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 notifying the school system of their intent and listing each child being instructed in this manner.”

For information and the Home Schooling Notification Form, go to the following links:

Main website:  https://www.pgcps.org/homeschooling/

Homeschooling Forms:  https://www.pgcps.org/offices/home-schooling/home-schooling-forms

Homeschooling Form in editable PDF format:  PGCPS Home Schooling Notification Form

For further information you may contact the Home Schooling Office at:

Telephone:  301-333-1001

Fax:  301-808-8312


How to Get Started

If you are wondering where to begin, please visit YouCanHomeschool.org.  This site is a wealth of information to help you on your way. Plus, it is full of statistics to impress skeptical family members and friends! Be of good courage!  You can do this.

For more information about Oversight, please contact Sharon Loufik, 

Home School Director, at 301-868-1600 ext. 329.  

To learn additional information about home schooling visit:

Home School Legal Defense Association

Maryland Association of Christian Home Educators (MACHE)

Christian Home Educators Network (CHEN)

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