Core Values
The Scripture is recognized as the revealed Word of God and is taught as truth.
A rigorous process of integration of faith and learning in all academic disciplines is maintained.
The teaching of Bible as a core subject is essential to the academic curriculum.
The Biblical integration of every planned learning experience is crucial to effective Christian schooling.
Parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children; the school serves the Christian home.
The opportunity for Christian schooling should be accessible to Christian families as a means of evangelizing, nurturing, and disciplining students for a life of service to God and society.
Students should learn how to process information and think in the context of a Biblical world-view.
A Christian administration and faculty models Christ in teaching and leading.
High academic standards are maintained; internal and external evaluation is welcome.
The curriculum and other programs are highly innovative.
The school community exhibits love, justice, humility, and service among the members of the School Board, administration, faculty, students, parents, and the larger community served by the school.
Organizational practices are thoroughly Christian in business, development, marketing, personnel, and government relations.
Involvement in a plan of consistent evaluation and assessment for continuous improvement.
The teaching/learning process reflects a Christ – like sensitivity and is relevant to a diverse school community.
The ministry of Christian schooling can best be accomplished through cooperation with other appropriate individuals, agencies, and organizations in providing programs, materials, and services.