CGCS is located in Clinton CGCS is located in Clinton, Maryland on a seventeen-acre campus situated in southern Prince George’s County. The CGCS campus was purchased in 1984 from the Prince George’s County Board of Education. In its 80+ years of history it has been a public high school and a public middle school.
The school has 40 classrooms, two gyms, a performance center, a large playground and a cafeteria.
The building is able to accommodate 800+ students in grades K4 to 12.
The classrooms include 2 computer labs, a middle school wing, a science wing and a Discovery wing.
GBCS school is a thirty-minute drive east of the nation’s capital.
The area’s rich American history allows our students and teachers to visit key historical sites in less than an hour at little or no cost.
In recent years the school has spent $3,000,000+ to renovate the building. It is becoming a first class facility that supports the school’s mission.